New e-learning module on workplace crisis management
Introducing a new and easy way for HR, management, and health and safety representatives to train in crisis management. The new e-learning module from Falck-Previa puts focus on reassuring employees and taking action in the event of a crisis.
The purpose of the module is to help participants feel more secure when it comes to crisis management so that they can manage crises both more quickly and more effectively. It gives participants the option to revisit certain sections and to have information repeated to support their learning.
“E-learning gives businesses a way to order training without the need for much forward planning as the training is individual and can be completed at the user’s convenience. This makes it easier to acquire foundational knowledge on crisis management within a reasonable timeframe,” says Anna Wickberg, Specialist Psychologist at Falck, and part of the team behind the e-learning module.
When we know what we need to do, we will often be quicker to act when a crisis occurs.
Why it is important to plan for a crisis
The Swedish Work Environment Authority is clear that all workplaces, regardless of their size, must have contingencies and routines in place to deal with crises when they occur. Moreover, good crisis management will result in fewer and shorter cases of sick leave and greater trust in management.
“When we know what we need to do, we will often be quicker to act when a crisis occurs. This in turn reduces the negative consequences for the organisation. We see this e-learning module as a positive and important foundation to start from in crisis management. If the organisation discovers that there is a need to go further, then this e-learning module can also be developed upon through an on-site, half-day training session, for example, which would be tailored specifically to the company in question.”