Psychological first aid makes mental health talkable
What exactly is mental illness and where is the line between feeling down for a while and having to seek help? How do we recognize mental illness in others and in ourselves? Knowing psychological first aid creates security in the workplace and reduces the stigma around not feeling well.
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Build resilience and protect yourself against viruses
Many viruses and colds are circulating, and it is not always possible to prevent getting sick, but we can do a lot to prevent infection and keep up our energy.
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A psychologist’s tips for dealing with worry
There are many things going on around us that can cause us worry, stress or anxiety. What can we do when our worries grow too big and start to affect our everyday lives? We have spoken to psychologist Karin Calissendorff for some advice on how to deal with worries and stress.
Insights for a sustainable work life 2025
Sustainability in an era of AI and digitalization, focus on young people in the work live, and double grant for rehabilitation support – these are some of the insights for the work life in 2025 shared by our experts at Falck.
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Increase the workplace's focus on mental health
Stress-related health issues continue to rise in society. A major factor is the challenge of finding balance in daily life and the lack of recovery. Employees becoming ill from stress affects not only the individual but also the company's productivity and work environment.
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Five abilities to feel good as a manager
In addition to organizational conditions for sustainable leadership, there are several ways you can develop in your role as a manager and leader. We share five abilities to become more resilient in your leadership.
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The Swedish Work Environment Authority's new regulatory structure
The Swedish Work Environment Authority has revised and changed the regulatory structure for provisions and general advice. The aim is to simplify, clarify, and make laws and regulations regarding the work environment more accessible. It should also become clearer which rules apply to whom.
Visual ergonomics help you both see and sit correctly
Having the right working posture is not just about the right furniture and equipment but also about how we see. Susanne Höglund, a physiotherapist at Falck, explains how vision affects the body, the role of lighting, and provides tips on what we can do for better visual ergonomics.
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Focus on health and safety at work this fall
How do we work sustainably and safely this fall? We asked some of our experts if they had any tips on what to think about when work starts after the holiday and how to create a good working environment in the future.
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Talk about domestic violence in the workplace
Domestic violence has been receiving growing attention in recent years and is now one of our most significant societal issues. As an employer, you have the opportunity to notice and act on the violence that many others may not see.